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Saturday 2 January 2016

Become an Entrepreneur

We at R D Global are always open to help new and budding entrepreneurs in achieving their goals and targets.

We have opened various doors for wanna-be entrepreneurs to start their own venture with their own talent, specialization and skills they have within them for their ambition.

We here provide openings in various industries and business sectors to take up entrepreneurship.

Current Openings for Entrepreneurship :-

Location - Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane.

Sr. No.
Business Service
Investment Amount
Travel Planner
Travel & Tourism
Min. Rs. 10,000/-
Job Planner
Min. Rs. 50,000/-
Marketing – Distributorship
Min. Rs. 30,000/-
Min. Rs. 300,000/-
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Friday 1 January 2016

Tips to manage your finances in 2016.

Are you done with your New Year resolutions? Then it is also time to draw out new financial resolutions as well for 2016.
Following are the must dos that you must include in your financial resolution list:
Budget your spend
Start with making a list of your foreseen expenses for a certain period of time. It helps you to monitor your saving.
Save for the rainy day
What if you left with no money? Since emergency never informs before it's visit, one should always be prepared to tackle it with an active financial hand.
End all your debts
To commence a new episode, you need to close the previous one. So before starting with new plans and a new year, clear all the previous debts you have and make a fresh new start with your finances.
Indulge in smart shopping
Plan your shopping properly and smartly by enjoying shopping on sales and buying off-season stuffs and saving again for another shopping.
Get an insurance to safeguard the healthy and wealthy side of you
Not always your savings are enough for everything. So don't rush to destroy your hard earned money and try to secure them or rent them with an insurance policy.
Save to cherish the sweets of life and love
Save to cherish a dream of travelling to a new place, buying a new car, a special gift etc.
Hire a financial assistant to go smooth with money
You will never have the exact idea about your saving, spending and earning cycles. So it is always better to catch a trustworthy person or a financial assistant to guide you through all your financial management journey.
Devote time for managing financial constraints
It has been proven that the most happiest retired people have spent a fixed hours to plan their finances and all money matters. So before it gets too late you should be on your toe to spend few hours of the new year managing your financial status. 
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Why Invest in Equities?


Quite often we are asked, why should one invest in equities. The Indian economy is gloomy. Political instability tends to hog most pages of the news papers. The global economy is not supporting the news flow in any way. In this uncertain scenario, why should one take a Risk At all? Why not put all your money in a safe haven of ‘Debt’.
Firstly, we are living in an environment where inflation has been high and expected to remain high on the average in the coming years. If one were to assume Inflation to be at 9%, then let us evaluate the ability of a debt instrument to protect your wealth. A typical Bank Fixed Deposit yields about 9% nowadays. Assuming a 30% tax on the interest earned, your post tax return on the Fixed Deposit is 6.3%. As a result, your wealth loses 2.7% each year. This essentially mean, if you start with Rs 100, at the end of a 10 year period the purchasing power of your wealth will be Rs 79.8. If you believe inflation is here to stay, then investing in fixed deposits is a high risk investment as it is ‘Certain’ that you will lose the purchasing power of your wealth.
On the other hand, equities have historically delivered an annualized return of almost 17%. On an average, equities have a proven ability to protect your capital against inflation and provide a real rate of return. There are some periods where this return has been lower and other periods when it is higher. But, at least equities have an ‘Expected’ probability of delivering returns ahead of inflation.
Equity markets have been flat for almost 5 years and based on its historical record, it should catch up with its averages sometime. We do agree that the world at large is not looking great now. On the other hand, there have been several such periods in the past and the global economy has always survived through such crises. It is periods like this that provides a great opportunity for equity investors. We continue to believe it is an exciting time to invest in equities.
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5 Ways to Increase Your Annual Income.


Invest in Enriching Your Life and Increasing Your Income

Increasing your annual income has many benefits- mainly, ability to afford a quality lifestyle for you and your family, and also the ability to manage unexpected money requirements.
Here are five practical ways to increase your annual income.

#1: Invest in Yourself – Add Value to Your Self Worth
Investing in yourself will give you disproportionately high return on investment- both for the amount of money invested and the time you spent.

DIY Tips to Invest in Yourself
  • Leverage the power of learning. Add a new skill, learn a new language, or try something that’s been on your bucket list.
  • Set aside time on a daily or weekly basis to read informative blogs, articles or books.
  • Attend a workshop, webinar or training to stay updated on the latest trends.
  • Explore your creative side to exercise untapped areas of your mind. This will open up different doors of perception- personally and professionally.
  • Invest time in taking a sabbatical – Retrospect, introspect and regain your focus
How Does This Increase My Annual Income?
Better skills, greater knowledge and wider perception, all lead to a higher level of opportunities.

#2: Invest Smart - Monetarily not Momentarily
Talking about increasing income is incomplete without considering the actual monetary aspect of investing smart.

DIY Tips to Increase Your Future Annual Income 

  • Start early.
  • Invest for the long term.

  • Make the right investment choices- for long term goals (more than 5 years), invest in equities and short term (less than 5 years), invest in debt instruments.

  • How Does This Increase My Annual Income?
    Increase your profits by investing wisely. Instill a long term perspective to evade myopic results from a short-sighted plan.

    #3: Invest in a Long Term Career Path - Map Your Progression Professionally
    Mapping your professional interests can help you strategically build your career path.

    DIY Tips to Chart Your Career Path
    • Do a SWOT analysis on your professional traits. Determine your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In this way you can identify the best opportunities that can help you progress with purpose.
    • Inculcate a long term vision. Do not let short term challenges come in the way of building your potential in the future.
    How Does This Increase My Annual Income?
    Being at the right place, at the right time with the right capabilities, tactically improves your career prospects.

    #4: Invest in Rewarding Risks - Zone Out of Your Comfort Zone
    Taking risks can snap you out of your comfort zone.

    DIY Tips to Zone Out of Your Comfort Zone
    • Take a chance to challenge yourself. Push your limits beyond the monotony of mediocre tasks. It is a bitter truth that machines will replace you eventually.
    • Focus on work that allows you to build your capabilities, even if it means making a drastic change.
    How Does This Increase My Annual Income?
    Stepping out of your bubble automatically unlocks new possibilities

    #5:  Invest in Health – Focus on Your Physical, Mental and Social Well Being
    The real wealth is in the health and well being of your body, mind and social interaction. While the increase in disposable income may translate to a higher standard of living, it could also lead to increasing health issues.

    DIY Tips to Enrich Your Wealth in Health
    • Physical Health
      • Exercise. If not for the physical benefits, it also helps in reducing your healthcare bills.
      • Eat healthy. A home cooked meal is not only healthier but also lighter on the pocket.
    • Mental Health – Many occupational lifestyle diseases are creeping into urban population. Maintain a good work-life balance to avoid mental problems such as depression, hypertension and neurological issues.
    • Social Well Being – Whether you admit it or not, who you interact with socially and your lifestyle have a big impact on your personality. The social environment you choose to be influenced by will affect the way you think and the decisions you make. Choose wisely.
    How Does This Increase My Annual Income?
    You become the environment you live in. Make it clean, green and lean on the body, mind and wallet.

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    Why Debt Mutual Funds Are An Excellent Alternative to Fixed Deposits?

    We confidently recommend equity mutual funds as a suitable option for most people with a long-term investment horizon. However, there are situations where equity is not the most suitable asset class:
    • Your goals are less than 5 years away; or
    • Your growth objectives will be met with a lower (8-9%) rate of return; or
    • You are not comfortable with volatility and willing to adjust your growth expectations accordingly.

    If you are in this position, there are two convenient options for you: Bank Fixed Deposits and Debt Funds. In this article, we compare them on different criteria and evaluate which is better for you.
    Bank FDs vs Debt Mutual Funds
    #1: Safety of Capital is almost the same
    To understand how safe your money is, you need to look at the credit rating of the instrument. This is given by Independent Credit rating agencies using the below scale.
    RatingTypical IssuersWhat it means
    SovereignGovernment of IndiaAs safe as it gets
    AAAMost banks, Public Sector Undertakings, Large financially stable private companiesVery high degree of safety
     AAPrivate CompaniesHigh degree of safety
     BBBPrivate CompaniesBelow average
     BB, B, C &LowerPrivate CompaniesPoor
    Most Fixed Deposits are AAA rated Implying very high safety of capital. In other words you have a very low chance of losing the money you had invested.It is commonly assumed that FDs are guaranteed by the government. They are, but only to the extent of Rs 1 Lakh. Beyond that the credit rating of the bank comes into play and which bank you choose is important.
    Debt funds are not themselves rated but their safety can be deduced from the portfolio they invest in - typically sovereign to AA. With careful analysis, you can pick debt funds whose portfolio has a combined credit risk almost at par with FDs. 
    #2: FDs offer assured returns but debt funds offer higher post-tax returns
    When you place an FD, the interest rate gets locked. It’s currently 8 to 9% for FDs above a year. You can accurately predict the amount of money you will have at the time of maturity even before you start the FD.
    Debt funds also provide 8-9% returns when you look at the historical debt funds’ performance. However, returns for debt funds are not guaranteed. While debt funds are mostly safe investments, there could be some volatility due to the fluctuations in interest rates. Some debt funds react more to these fluctuations than others and once again, with careful analysis, you can pick those with low volatility. 
    #3: Taxes significantly affect income from FDs 
    The income you earn from FDs and debt funds is categorized differently You earn interest from FDs while debt funds give you capital appreciation or dividend.
    While interest from Bank FDs is always taxed at your maximum rate, Debt funds attract almost nil tax after 3 years and lower tax between 1 and 3 years. Upto 1 year the tax impact for both is similar.
    What hurts an FD investor even more is that they have to pay taxes on accrued interest every year (even if you haven’t actually received it in your hands) and therefore the amount of money which compounds is less.
    Impact of annual taxes on Fixed Deposit Returns
    Debt FundsFDFDFDFD
    Personal Tax RateAny0%10%20%30%
    Start with 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
    Year 1 109,000 109,000 108,100 107,200 106,300
    Year 2 118,810 118,810 116,856 114,918 112,997
    Year 3 129,503 129,503 126,321 123,193 120,116
    Year 4 141,158 141,158 136,553 132,062 127,683
    #4: Debt funds provide better liquidity or easy access to your money
    Withdrawing from FDs
    If you need your money back before the maturity of the FD, you will receive a lower rate of interest and also pay a penalty.
    1. Some banks allow you to break your FD in part but most require you to withdraw the whole amount. If you have INR 1 lakh deposit, but you only want INR 20,000, you have to break the entire FD.
    2. Interest Rate on premature withdrawal = Interest Rate applicable for actual period of FD as per the rates prevalent at the time of investment - 1%
    3. The penalty for withdrawing is 0-1.5% of the invested amount viz. Rs 0-1500 for a one lakh deposit.
    Withdrawing from Debt Funds
    With debt funds, you have full liquidity for your investments.
    1. You can withdraw any amount you wish to from your total debt fund value whenever you want. The money comes into your bank account in 3-4 working days.
    2. The return you get is the amount earned by the fund during the period you were invested. There is no complex formula.
    3. Some debt funds will charge you an exit load if you withdraw within a certain period of time. This is usually small (0.25% - 0.5%) and only for periods less than a year.
     #5  Burden of tax related paperwork is higher for FDs
    Since you must declare and pay taxes on interest income from FDs every year, you have to maintain records, compute your interest income and file taxes accordingly. This gets even more complicated in case of premature withdrawals where you may already have paid tax but the income you finally get is lower.
    For debt funds, you only have to pay capital gains tax as and when you withdraw. This could mean only once in 5 years.
    As you can see, with debt funds, you get superior returns post-tax, high level of liquidity, and safety of capital compared to FDs. These make debt funds an Excellent alternative to keeping your money in Bank FDs.
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    Become an Entrepreneur

    We at R D Global are always open to help new and budding entrepreneurs in achieving their goals and targets. We have opened various d...

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