Are you done with your New Year resolutions? Then it is also time to draw out new financial resolutions as well for 2016.
Following are the must dos that you must include in your financial resolution list:
Budget your spend
Start with making a list of your foreseen expenses for a certain period of time. It helps you to monitor your saving.
Save for the rainy day
What if you left with no money? Since emergency never informs before it's visit, one should always be prepared to tackle it with an active financial hand.
End all your debts
To commence a new episode, you need to close the previous one. So before starting with new plans and a new year, clear all the previous debts you have and make a fresh new start with your finances.
Indulge in smart shopping
Plan your shopping properly and smartly by enjoying shopping on sales and buying off-season stuffs and saving again for another shopping.
Get an insurance to safeguard the healthy and wealthy side of you
Not always your savings are enough for everything. So don't rush to destroy your hard earned money and try to secure them or rent them with an insurance policy.
Save to cherish the sweets of life and love
Save to cherish a dream of travelling to a new place, buying a new car, a special gift etc.
Hire a financial assistant to go smooth with money
You will never have the exact idea about your saving, spending and earning cycles. So it is always better to catch a trustworthy person or a financial assistant to guide you through all your financial management journey.
Devote time for managing financial constraints
It has been proven that the most happiest retired people have spent a fixed hours to plan their finances and all money matters. So before it gets too late you should be on your toe to spend few hours of the new year managing your financial status.
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